Obama – 69.2 million votes (53%)
McCain – 59.6 million votes (46%)
In 2012, these are the results:
Obama 60.6 million (50.4%)
Romney 57.8 million (48%)
If someone told me the President would receive 9 millionfewer votes on 2012 than in 2008, I would assume Romney won; however, Romneyreceived 2 million fewer votes than McCain! This is what baffled me the most – how could 2 million people who votedfor McCain in 2008 not come back plus some in 2012 for Romney? But then I remembered Jose Canseco….
When Jose Canseco played for the Oakland A’s, I couldn’tstand him. I hated the A’s and all theirplayers, maybe Canseco the most. Butthen, Canseco joined the Rangers, and I became a fan. Suddenly, I rooted for Canseco and was gladhe was a Ranger. Same with Deion Sandersand the Cowboys. As I thought aboutthat, I wondered if my desire for Romney to win overshadowed my former dislikeof him. In 2008 and through much of the2011-12 primary, I couldn’t stand Mitt – I didn’t like his past flip flops, his“rich guy” persona, his robotic mannerisms, etc. He only won one election, lost his others,and instituted Romneycare while in office. I flirted with Pawlenty, Gingrich, Santorum, Cain, and even briefly Perry (I hadto take a long shower after that brief encounter – not my finest moment – I haven’teven voted for him for Governor and suddenly I found myself testing the watersbecause of Mitt) before I finally settled for Mitt. Mainly because Mitt won and no one was left. As the election went on, I grew to like Romneyand really hoped he would win. But ittook me 5 years to like the Governor. Could the American public warm to him in 2 months? Apparently not. The President’s campaign to paint Romney asan out-of-touch-mushy-rich-guy worked. Maybe it worked because it was partly true and I was just blinded by mydesire to win? I don’t know. I do think he is a good man and has a nicefamily, but I also know that this time last year I couldn’t stand him.
The President also lost 9 million votes due to his recordthrough 4 years in office, but he could afford that due to the large amount ofhis supporters who would vote for him even if he went on a murder spree; Romneycouldn’t afford his loss of 2 million. Soturn out, as it always is, was critical. The President had the organization and enough of a motivated base to pull outthe win. This is the first time a President has been re-elected while receivingless votes than the first time. But hiscampaign against Romney convinced enough people to stay home rather than tovote for either. Negative advertising,particularly when unanswered, works.
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