Monday, April 28, 2008

To All Christian Drivers in Florida

Florida, my home state for 2 years, is attempting to approve a Christian license plate (pictured above). Of course, whenever a government entity desires to produce a religious work, certain people question the constitutionality of it. In this case, with Florida having so many vanity plates to choose from, I would surmise that it would be upheld as constitutional, so long as the state prints plates for all faiths (or no faiths.) If this were to happen, then Christians in Florida who have the "I Believe" plate should not become enraged when they pull up behind an "I Don't Believe" plate, or an anti-religion plate. In our pluralistic society, what one claims as free exercise of religion (in this case having a Christian plate on the back of one's car) should apply to all equally.

I don't have a problem with the state producing these plates, but I do wish we could somehow control who is able to get them. Yes, I know that would be too much government entanglement, but I fear the person who gets the plate, only then to drive like the biggest jerk on the road. It might not be the best witness to cut someone off in traffic with one's "I Believe" plate staring the other driver in the face. Or, someone with the plate throwing trash out the window, speeding through a school zone, not yielding at a 4-way stop sign, or picking up a prostitute. So if one could pass an "I'm not a Christian Jerk" test, then I would feel much more comfortable with them having the plate. But having lived in Florida for two years, I would gather from the other drivers that there aren't any Christian drivers in Florida - at least not from what I could tell driving around others. (To all my Christian friends in Florida, I, of course, don’t mean you!)

Oh well, if it's a Christian plate you want, go for it, but please be careful how you drive. And don't cause a stink when you pull up behind a car with an "Oprah is My God" plate.

1 comment:

Outnumbered 4 to 1 said...

Well said! I have so many mixed feelings about these liscense plates. I was riding in the car with a friend who is not a believer and we were cut off and then flipped off. She then proceeded to read the bumper sticker "God is my co-pilot." Her response cracked me up because she said "You see there is his problem, maybe if God were is Pilot then He wouldn't drive like that!" All I could think of is wow look at that testimony. Our greatest commandment is to Love God and Love one another, well where's the love?

But at the same time Maybe if more people take a stand and show that more people really do believe our voices might get just a smidge louder. My SS class was just discussing politics and christianity and how it goes together and all I could say is "The other voices just get louder, and we (christian) seem to get quieter!" We want to be tolerant and not step on any toes but maybe its time to create some sore toes out there, before we live in a world where you have all other religions and you go to prison for even speaking the name of Christ!

Sorry I'll get off my little box and tell you we are moving to Mckinney next month! I really hope to see you guys!!!